Greetings #SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Friday January 10, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed. Stay warm and stay safe!
5 days ago, Springdale School District
#SpringdaleFamily In anticipation for potential inclement weather, the Springdale School District will use the "Early Out Wednesday" Bell Schedule on Thursday January 9, 2025.
7 days ago, Springdale Public Schools
Elmdale Elementary School in the Springdale School District plans to apply for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant for the 2025 - 2026 school year. This grant will support after school enrichment and academic learning for students. If you have any questions regarding this grant, please call the school office at 479-750-8859.
7 days ago, Springdale School District
Parents, we are so excited about tonight's Operation Reindeer Event, which starts at 4 p.m. and ends at 6 pm. Please remember that students need to be picked up from school before this event can begin. The only exception is for those students who are in our After-School Program. Padres, estamos muy emocionados por el evento Operación Reno de esta noche, que comienza a las 4 p.m. y termina a las 6 p.m. Por favor, recuerden que los estudiantes deben ser recogidos de la escuela antes de que comience este evento. La única excepción son los estudiantes que están en nuestro programa de cuidado después de la escuela.
29 days ago, Pete Joenks
Springdale Rotary Club will host the Rotary's Santa Used Book Fair tomorrow at the Jones Center for Families in Springdale, located at 922 East Emma Ave. They will give away books from 12-5 pm and Santa will be there from 2 - 4. El Club Rotario de Springdale organizará la Feria de Libros Usados de Santa de Rotary mañana en el Centro Jones para Familias en Springdale, ubicado en 922 East Emma Ave. Regalarán libros de 12 a 5 p.m. y Santa estará allí de 2 a 4 p.m.
about 1 month ago, Pete Joenks
A nuestros padres de Elmdale: A medida que el clima se enfría, sabemos que muchos de ustedes vienen a recoger a su hijo cuando se despide la escuela. Sin embargo, muchos de ustedes están estacionando en la calle Christian y dejando que su hijo los encuentre o se bajan de su automóvil para buscar a su hijo. El aumento de estacionamiento en la calle Christian ha causado muchos problemas con el tráfico tratando de llegar al cruce de cuatro vías en Christian y West End, incluyendo a los autobuses escolares. Les pedimos a nuestros padres que ya no estacionen a lo largo de la calle Christian para recoger a su hijo. Si no desean estar en la línea de recogida de estudiantes al frente de la escuela, les pedimos que estacionen y esperen a su hijo en la Iglesia Bautista de Elmdale (al sur de Elmdale) o en la Primera Iglesia Cristiana (al este de Elmdale). Estos dos lugares para estacionar y esperar se muestran en verde en el mapa proporcionado. Gracias por su ayuda en este asunto.
about 1 month ago, Pete Joenks
Traffic Issue
To our Elmdale Parents: As the weather gets colder we know a lot of you are coming to pick up your child when school is dismissed. However, many of you are parking on Christian Street and either having your child find you or leaving your car to find your child. This increased amount of parking on Christian Street has cause a lot of problems with traffic trying to get to the four-way stop on Christian and West End, including school buses. We are asking our parents to no longer park along Christian Street to pick up your child. If you do not want to be in the student pick up line at the front the school, we ask that you park and wait for your child either at Elmdale Baptist Church (south of Elmdale) or First Christian Church (east of Elmdale). These two locations for you to park and wait are shown in green on the map provided. Thank you for your help in this matter.
about 1 month ago, Pete Joenks
student pick up
This is a reminder to all our Elmdale families that Springdale Schools will be closed all day tomorrow, Friday, October 18th. All Springdale Schools will be open again next Monday, October 21st. Este es un recordatorio para todas nuestras familias de Elmdale de que las escuelas de Springdale estarán cerradas todo el día mañana, viernes 18 de octubre. Todas las escuelas de Springdale volverán a abrir el próximo lunes 21 de octubre.
3 months ago, Pete Joenks
🍎 Don’t miss out on free and reduced meal options! Apply now at 📋✨ #SpringdaleFamily
4 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Top 10 Reasons
Top 10 Reasons
Top 10 Reasons
Elmdale Parents
5 months ago, Pete Joenks
Elmdale Parents
Elmdale Parents
Elmdale Parents
Elmdale Parents: Elmdale teachers and staff are so thankful for how well you have responded in helping us keep our students safe during drop off in the mornings and pick up in the afternoons! We have one more request to make to support the safety of your children. In the afternoons, when you drive your car to pick up your child at the end of the school day, please remain in your vehicle while waiting for your child to be released from school. Please do not park your vehicle and then wait for your child at the front doors of the school In this way, we can be sure that all our car-riding students get to the correct vehicle to go home in the afternoons. Thank you!
5 months ago, Pete Joenks
The School Board discussed student cell phone usage, award-winning staff, substitute pay increases, student achievements and more news relevant to the #SpringdaleFamily at the August meeting! Read the full story here:
5 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Dear Elmdale Eagle Parents: We are asking that starting this Thursday (August 13th), please do not escort your child into the building unless you need to speak to the office staff or nurse about something. By doing this, we can make the student drop-off area for our car riders more efficient and have all our students in classes by 7:45 a.m. Thank you for your assistance.
5 months ago, Pete Joenks
Parents, please remember we have early release on Wednesdays starting tomorrow, August 14th. School will be dismissed at 1:50 p.m.
5 months ago, Pete Joenks
Parents, please remember we have early release on Wednesdays starting tomorrow, August 13th. School will be dismissed at 1:50 p.m.
5 months ago, Pete Joenks
Learn more about the exciting news happening within Springdale Schools by checking out information from the June School Board meeting! #SpringdaelFamily Explore more here:
7 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
District retirees, robotics students and new staff were celebrated at the May School Board meeting. #SpringdaleFamily Learn more about the meeting, to include the approved 2024-25 salary schedule, here:
8 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Join us as we welcome Pete Joenks back to the Springdale Family as the new assistant principal of Elmdale Elementary School! #SpringdaleFamily Learn more about Joenks, who was once an Elmdale Eagle himself:
8 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Springdale Schools will be OPEN on Monday April 8th! We are excited to experience the Solar Eclipse with our students. Each student and employee will be provided solar eclipse glasses. Please click here to read important safety information
10 months ago, Springdale School District
Just a reminder: Spring Break is next week, March 18-22. We will see all students back on Monday, March 25th!
10 months ago, Elmdale Elementary